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To be or not to be, that is the question?

Plenty of us American are sitting and listening to the news these days and/or reading blogs, or websites about the situation in the USA. In case you were living under a rock (sorry geico)let me fill you in. Obama has come under fire from several fronts because of his irresponsible and traitorous actions, such as the illegal alien situation, his dream/nightmare act (depending on which side of the wallet you are on ), his allowing Muslims to pass airport security; his first denying and then proclaiming his Muslim ties; his failure to deal with any issue other than those he felt himself were important; his additional 7 trillion US dollars of debt on our deficit and most of all, his inability and refusal to prove he is legitimate in the office he holds under the Constitution of the USA.

Obama was born of a white mother and a black Muslim father from Kenya. In Muslim faith (use that word loosely) you have to be a Muslim to marry a Muslim so obviously mom converted from which ever religion to that of her husbands and became a Muslim. To them was begot the bouncing baby liar and future president (or not) of the USA. Now he claims he's Christian where did that come from? His old school mates have verified he's as Muslim as a Muslim can be, he even referred to himself as "King Obama" as a youth. (Not at all conceited even at that age) His brother converted to Muslim religion as well.

Yet, Obama denied any such ties. He said on public television in front of millions and millions of viewers that he was a Christian and not a Muslim, he does not practice his fathers religion he said or something very close.

Yet, Obama has sealed all and any documents that legally show his country of birth and his religious affiliation. The only way to unseal these is to impeach him and demand they be shown in supreme court. The one document he did produce, a copy of a long form birth certificate has 5 times been proven to be a fake.

After taking office Obama's tune changed the fact he was self centered, egotistical and a dictator in the making as well as Muslim sympathizer were coming to light. He became more and more certain he was rooted in office by his left wing political prick friends and the stupid people that follow him without question in the Democratic party, that he has started to recant some of his earlier lies IE: He no longer denies being Muslim. In fact he has also said on the media that "the United States of America is no longer a Christian country" (not an exact quote but very close).

He has since made a pilgrimage to Muslim countries and visited their Mosques, he has also taken an insulting stance against Israel a former friend of the US. He has said in not so many words that he will make sure Muslim assimilation of the USA goes smoothly and that we are not at war with them.

Should this man be in the highest office as commander and chief of the most powerful nations armies and weapons? Should he even be President? NO is the answer to both questions. Even if Obama could finally produce a forgery of his birth certificate and prove he was born in Hawaii (which he can't) there is still the fact that we have a "madman" or a self proclaimed king as head of our government.

Recently in a White House interview he stated how he would like to do things his way.
Is that how Presidents do things Obama? Besides how the people want it?

There are probably a dozen or more reason in the media alone today to impeach Obama and there may even be a few to charge him with Treason for betraying the Constitution of the USA and undermining us to our current world enemies.

We all have to think about this but in the mean time we need to remove Obama from office at the very least he has no right to be at the head of this country.

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