Well blow me down "nyuk nyuk nyuk", Appears Biden has said on the air that he would move to impeach Obama if Obama ignored warnings about war with Iran/Libya which has done as of last night. The link is on the page on the left side go have a look at the video.
Would be nice for a democrat to keep their word wouldn't it? Although I still wouldn't buy a used car from one. Obama has hit an all time low in the USA as far a veteran support goes as well. And he has repeatably said on numerous occasion about him taking matters into his own hands etc, he is loosing mental stability and therefore is unfit to lead this country. He should be impeached and possibly tried for Treason because of his policy since getting into office of destroying US border security and his own interpretation of the Constitution where illegal aliens are concerned. The law is clear they must be deported any any President or State that ignore that or tries to bring in criminal legislation to the contrary should be impeached, tried and punished.
Many sites on Facebook and Blogger are showing just how fed up the American people are with this charlatan. The greatness and respect the USA once commanded may be at jeopardy because of Obama lackluster attitude in the white House and of course his administration which has shown it is no more than a patsy to the left wing pricks who run them.
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