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Lately homosexuals have made it quite clear that its their way or the highway BIGOT. It seems that you either have to agree with them or avoid the topic all together because they will venomously attack anyone who opposes their lifestyle (like PMSing women).

Beginning with their first attack against Chick-Fil-A for holding to Christian values rather than supporting them to their attack against the Catholic church in a bid to have church conducted weddings, suing shop owners and small business owners who refuse to serve them, to writing their own bible to contradict the word of God from the original Hebrew Bible.

They scream unconstitutionality but are the biggest of hypocrites when it comes to accepting the disagreement of people who do not agree with the queer movement. In fact many of us support the scientific possibility that being queer is a mental disease not a gene as queers would have you believe. If constitutionality when applied to homosexuals were truly constitutional then the law would explore the mental health aspect of homosexuals, not just force them down everyone's throats.

I actually had friends that were queer. I was all for live and let live until they tried to force the Catholic church to marry them (a breach of the Catholic faith, since Leviticus 18 specifically states to be with a man as with a woman is an abomination in the eyes of God, that's a sin). Homosexuals unsuccessfully tried twisting and warping the bible to suite themselves saying Christ would have accepted them as they are which is a falsehood. Christ said he was here not to change the law of his father, GOD but to uphold it. Mathew 5:17. They called me a bigot for having my own opinion against their lifestyle and condemned me, we are no longer friends.

Their silliness is also evident in the media, where they are constantly rising up to sue businesses that do not want to have anything to do with them. They use political correctness and misguided liberal sympathy as a weapon against Heterosexual individuals. Homophobic is a word they conjured up to explain away any opposition but in truth the word Heterophobe is probably more accurate and applicable to themselves. I don't mean this article as one of hate towards queers but as a wake up call that their lifestyle is a two way street of acceptance and non-acceptance. My stance is for a normal heterosexual world for my children. Free of all sexual deviants, that is my right and doesn't make me a bigot only concerned and Christian.

Recently I was banned from Fascistbook (Facebook) due first in-part to their nonacceptance of the 1st amendment rights of Americans, but also their pro-homo, pro-liberal, pro-communist and political correct attitude. I used the word "queer" and received a 30 day suspension from my account. If it were not so stupid it would be laughable.  There will never exist equality for them until they realize that it's a two way street and not everyone is accepting of the queer lifestyle.



We all know how twisted Political Correctness has made the USA today. Everything associated with God is called a Christian crutch now by many groups including Homosexuals, who argue that Christians use the bible as a weapon against them and that Christ would not reject them.

They are wrong. God has decreed his will on the topic in Leviticus 18 and it isn't supporting their proclamation. Matt. 5:17-19 in the new testament “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. “ His task to make sure God's laws in the Old Testament were carried out. So queers need to accept the resolution that God does in fact frown on their activities and to continue on the path of perversion will assure the homosexual a place in hell. 

But getting away from the biblical decree we can also apply logic to the illness of being a homosexual. Most homosexuals are in fact hypocrites when discussing their perversion with anyone especially heterosexuals. Twisting of the Constitution has become a common weapon in the fight against heterosexuals by queers. For example it's not Constitutional for a business owner, who is Christian, to refuse to offer services to a homosexual, on the other hand it's OK for homosexuals to refuse to serve Heterosexuals, a double standard. This type of logic is typical with homosexuals in the furthering of their cause.

Today I was banned for using the word QUEER on Facistbook the popular one sided liberal unconstitutional social media that is popular today, mostly affording privilege to liberals and communists but controlling and policing Patriots and Conservatives and Christians with equal zeal. Soon I'm sure they will ban the use of the word Normal when used in reference to heterosexuals but encourage it's use for homosexuals, and then Heterosexual will become offensive as well. 

Political correctness is a disease and must be so treated. It must be outlawed from the USA as it is contrary to our rule of law and the Constitution. It's a tool used by Obama and his communist/Islamic Party formerly refereed to as the Democrat Party. Patriots in American must use their right to purge first our corrupt government and restore the Constitution, and then remove all the elements that betray American values. Our positive foundation was built on the Constitution the Bill of rights based on the rule of law and Christianity. Islam, Sharia, Illegal alien amnesty, Riots and looting in the streets and Atheism, and queers as well as other deviants are all destroying our country but most of all our Government has become an enemy of the people.

We must fight for our right to fight Corruption whether it be government or some detrimental perversion practiced by mentally ill people such as queers. They need medical help not encouragement, and definately not a world molded around their lifestyle.