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Science fiction or Historical Fact?

I've been in the US since 2001, in fact, I came down from Canada just after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. I came here as a legal immigrant under a visa to work here and was also married to an American women (She's as cute as bugs ear). And I became a US citizen in 2010 after having been a legal permanent resident for the required number of years finally taking my Oath of Allegiance; I love this country and my family here.

I can't believe what has happened to the US our home since Obama took the chair in the Oval Office. Everyone knows the unbelievable things he has done to undermine and destroy American sovereignty and security I needn't go over them all but its leading us down a path to a Medieval like existence again.

Our laws have been ignored and trampled over by Obama, with a contempt that his arrogance has made him think we do not notice. In regards to 12 million illegal aliens in this country plus million upon millions of Muslims he has given the key to the nation and our security, our identity is in danger of being wiped out.

This is all playing out like some Mel Gibson road warrior movie. First the global picture, since Bush we’ve been involved in military actions in the middle east and since 9/11 we’ve supposedly been hunting Osama Bin Laden the instigator of the 9/11 Twin Towers and the Pentagon, as well as the PA jet crash incidents in which over 3,000 Americans lost their lives. He was supposedly bouncing like a rabbit from one hole to another from Afghanistan to Pakistan and back with no one ever seeing him. He was supposedly killed in 2003 and his body frozen but this news never made public. Yet we stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then again he was found hiding in the country of Pakistan, supposed allies now traitors, this in 2011 and again he was killed, and instead of bringing his head triumphantly back to the USA for forensic verification, he and his vile noggin were tossed in the sea by the Seal team that killed him. Incidentally, the largest portion of those Seals is now dead, murdered on board a US helicopter by an RPG.

Obama was behind the orders having Osama’s body thrown overboard without bringing US (you and me) proof. He also had knowledge of the Seal Teams activities while in the Chopper and has shown relentless contempt for whites (his own two books and his racist Baptist church he attended for many years), his strong affection for and admiration for the Muslim’s and their corrupt books and sect. It’s this affection towards Muslim’s that makes me think he could easily tell them where the chopper with Seal team 6 was to be found.

A strange pattern is developing around Obama and will not be easily explained away by him in fact he has already tied the noose around his neck by himself and sooner or later he will have to pay Justice back for those crimes but what if American’s do nothing about him? A man that has brought the USA to financial ruin, Who has lied in his trusted post so many times they are alarming, who has ignored the sacred document we all cherish in America to be our guide on how to run this country, the Constitution, who has ignored our security on our Southern flank and left it open to criminal drug cartels, prostitutes, Coyotes, and child porn and violence and murder to our citizens, who has supplied weapons to those cartels in an insidious move to try and remove our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms, who has gone before the nation on several occasions and proclaimed we are no longer a Christian nation when ours and HIS oaths depend upon GOD for truth, our currency also recognizes GOD as this lands benefactor, so who is Obama to assume he can proclaim otherwise? He has said we will conform or make this land more Muslim friendly? Where does he think he has the power to change our nation for our enemies? As we can see there is developing a mental picture of Obama and his intent if allowed to go unchecked?

He has American’s fighting a War in Iraq and Afghanistan, he has us nosing around in Syria and Libya, Pakistan has now offended us by harboring Osama and we’re pissed and standing at the door and Iran is again threatening everyone now that they have Nuclear capability. Pretty bad picture abroad right and our troops, our sons and daughters, are being thinned out and sacrificed by Obama so that the USA will have no one left to defend it except us civilians. On top of this the Chinese communists are now getting cocky as well.

Look at the problem with a wider lens, most countries in Europe have already succumb to Muslim invasion such as Holland, Germany, France, Britain and many others with the populations in those countries being Muslim majority or close to it. All the Arab countries and the Middle East are Muslim AND most alarming out of Obama’s lips himself is that the USA is the has the largest Muslim population.

Just think if our Armies in the Middle East were all of a sudden surprised by a Muslim uprising and instantaneously the same happened on our shores here in the USA? Along with that Obama’s weakened border to the South allows Mexican illegal’s room to riot?
We’re starting on the path to Road warrior huh?

Obama has been amassing some elite troops of his own here in the USA like a personal guard what do you think they are for? And more recently there is a huge Saudi complex being built close to the White House for what real purpose?

Obama is playing both the Muslims and us Americans at each other in hopes his special unit will be able to come in declare martial law and he would be able to install himself as a dictator in the USA the first one! He wants’ our American troops to kill the Muslim kings and leaders abroad because he wants to become the only Muslim king of the world. A childhood fantasy of his “King Obama”.

We as American’s, as free American’s, as patriotic and proud American’s, need to stop this while it can still be stopped. We need to remove Obama from his position and arrest him. Investigate and charge him for crimes against America. We don’t have forever to decide either time is running out.